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Mother Mastery Healing System

Accredited CMA Healing Course for Healing Practitioners

Journey of Womanhood

Mother Mastery is a healing system that works through the divine feminine timeline to address the original wounds, hidden scars, karmic wounds, pain and energetic imprints carried throughout our journey of womanhood and passed down from our mothers, grandmothers, and ancestors, going back generations and over past incarnations

Mother and Daughters

Original Wounds


Etched into your water blood, and DNA lies a history too painful to speak of – a history marked by control, abuse, rape, destitution, shame, fear, social out casting and much more. Through different eras and periods, it carries the weight of experiences like infertility, grief, loss, separation, abortion, brutality, and mortality – at a time when the divine feminine didn’t have a choice, or a voice.


To achieve self-mastery, inner peace and strength, through love and forgiveness, we must acknowledge, dissolve, and release traumas, scars, emotions, and events from our own journey and that of our ancestors. These experiences may have caused our third eye, throats, hearts, and sacral chakras to become restricted or closed off.


This journey will help you, and your clients, to clear and heal father wounds within the womb space and also to clear any control programming, implants dating back to Atlantis.  It will restore the divine masculine femininity within so that you, and you clients, can return back to heart space to experience balance and harmony.

The Holy Family

Two of the most significant and powerful divine feminine energies, Mother Mary, our divine Mother, and Mary Magdalene, our divine teacher, along with Master Jesus,Venus, the Cosmic Heart, White Eagle, Pleiadian Moon Energy, Dragon and Unicorn Light, will step forward to teach you how to hold love and find forgiveness in your hearts for yourself and others.


Together, these cosmic light beings will hold space for you as you, and your clients, to heal unresolved wounds and scars buried deep within - scars that the human eye cannot see, but which hold unresolved trauma.


Mother Mastery is not only for practitioners wishing to guide their clients on their healing journey but also for practitioners to embark on a self-mastery journey of their own.  The goal is to set yourselves free from anything, or anyone, past or present, that is preventing you from expanding or moving forwards. To attain inner peace, happiness, joy and strength. This requires you to uncord from ancestors, people, situations, emotions, events and possibly - outcomes. 


To achieve this, it takes great dedication and devotion. As a part of this course, each practitioner is required to embark on a 21-day deep self-healing programme to accelerate your own healing process. During this time, you will look within to release, uncord, heal and embrace your own wounded parts, showering your wounds and scars with unconditional love. 


Throughout this journey you will be fully supported for there is no truer frequency than love.

Mother Mastery: An 11-Week Online Journey


Join us for an empowering and transformative 11-week course designed to guide you into the heart of  Mother Mastery.


Opening Ceremony

Mark your calendar for the opening ceremony on Wednesday, 7th May, at 7:00pm.

This sacred gathering will set the tone for your journey and create a beautiful container for growth, learning and healing - for yourself and your clients.


Course Structure

Six Pre-Recorded Lessons: Delivered directly to your inbox allowing you to explore the teachings at your own pace.


Five Live Zoom Sessions: Experience interactive, real-time teachings where you can ask questions, deepen your understanding and connect with the Mother Mastery community.


Course Syllabus & Costs

Detailed information about the course content, schedule, and pricing will be shared soon.

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